Uses of Class

Packages that use OPMGraph
org.openprovenance.model Open Provenance Model classes and associated factories and (de)serialisation methods. 

Uses of OPMGraph in org.openprovenance.elmo

Subclasses of OPMGraph in org.openprovenance.elmo
 class RdfOPMGraph

Methods in org.openprovenance.elmo that return OPMGraph
 OPMGraph RdfObjectFactory.createOPMGraph()
 OPMGraph RdfOPMFactory.newOPMGraph(OPMGraph gr)
 OPMGraph RdfOPMFactory.newOPMGraph(String id, Collection<Account> accs, Collection<Overlaps> ops, Collection<Process> ps, Collection<Artifact> as, Collection<Agent> ags, Collection<Object> lks, Collection<Annotation> anns)

Methods in org.openprovenance.elmo with parameters of type OPMGraph
 RdfOPMGraph RdfOPMFactory.newOPMGraph(OPMGraph gr)
          Clones an OPMGraph to an OPMGraph with facade, and creates corresponding rdf representation in triple store.

Uses of OPMGraph in org.openprovenance.model

Subclasses of OPMGraph in org.openprovenance.model
 class IndexedOPMGraph
          This class provides a set of indexes over information contained in an OPMGraph, facilitating its navigation.

Methods in org.openprovenance.model that return OPMGraph
 OPMGraph ObjectFactory.createOPMGraph()
          Create an instance of OPMGraph
 OPMGraph OPMDeserialiser.deserialiseOPMGraph(Element serialised)
 OPMGraph OPMDeserialiser.deserialiseOPMGraph(File serialised)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.effectiveMembership(OPMGraph g)
          Returns a graph with the same structure, in which the * effective membership of all nodes has been computed.
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.intersection(OPMGraph g1, OPMGraph g2)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Accounts accs, Processes ps, Artifacts as, Agents ags, Dependencies lks)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Accounts accs, Processes ps, Artifacts as, Agents ags, Dependencies lks, Annotations anns)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Collection<Account> accs, Collection<Overlaps> ops, Collection<Process> ps, Collection<Artifact> as, Collection<Agent> ags, Collection<Object> lks)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Collection<Account> accs, Collection<Overlaps> ops, Collection<Process> ps, Collection<Artifact> as, Collection<Agent> ags, Collection<Object> lks, Collection<Annotation> anns)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Collection<Account> accs, Overlaps[] ovs, Process[] ps, Artifact[] as, Agent[] ags, Object[] lks)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(Collection<Account> accs, Overlaps[] ovs, Process[] ps, Artifact[] as, Agent[] ags, Object[] lks, Annotation[] anns)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(OPMGraph graph)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(String id, Collection<Account> accs, Collection<Overlaps> ops, Collection<Process> ps, Collection<Artifact> as, Collection<Agent> ags, Collection<Object> lks, Collection<Annotation> anns)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(String id, Collection<Account> accs, Overlaps[] ovs, Process[] ps, Artifact[] as, Agent[] ags, Object[] lks, Annotation[] anns)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.union(OPMGraph g1, OPMGraph g2)
 OPMGraph OPMDeserialiser.validateOPMGraph(String[] schemaFiles, File serialised)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.view(OPMGraph g, Accounts accs)

Methods in org.openprovenance.model that return types with arguments of type OPMGraph
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<OPMGraph> ObjectFactory.createOpmGraph(OPMGraph value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<OPMGraph>}

Methods in org.openprovenance.model with parameters of type OPMGraph
 Accounts OPMUtilities.accountMembership(ArtifactRef aid, OPMGraph g)
 void OPMToDot.convert(OPMGraph graph, File file)
 void OPMToDot.convert(OPMGraph graph, PrintStream out)
 void OPMToDot.convert(OPMGraph graph, String dotFile, String pdfFile)
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<OPMGraph> ObjectFactory.createOpmGraph(OPMGraph value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<OPMGraph>}
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.effectiveMembership(OPMGraph g)
          Returns a graph with the same structure, in which the * effective membership of all nodes has been computed.
 void Normalise.embedExternalAnnotations(OPMGraph graph)
 List<Edge> OPMUtilities.getEdges(OPMGraph g)
 List<Node> OPMUtilities.getNodes(OPMGraph g)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.intersection(OPMGraph g1, OPMGraph g2)
 boolean OPMUtilities.legalAccount(OPMGraph g)
 OPMGraph OPMFactory.newOPMGraph(OPMGraph graph)
 void Normalise.noAnnotation(OPMGraph graph)
 void OPMSerialiser.serialiseOPMGraph(File file, OPMGraph graph, boolean format)
 Node OPMSerialiser.serialiseOPMGraph(Node addTo, OPMGraph graph)
 Document OPMSerialiser.serialiseOPMGraph(OPMGraph request)
 String OPMSerialiser.serialiseOPMGraph(StringWriter sw, OPMGraph graph)
 String OPMSerialiser.serialiseOPMGraph(StringWriter sw, OPMGraph graph, boolean format)
 void Normalise.sortGraph(OPMGraph graph)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.union(OPMGraph g1, OPMGraph g2)
 void Normalise.updateFromRdfGraph(OPMGraph graph)
 void Normalise.updateOriginalGraph(OPMGraph graph)
 OPMGraph OPMUtilities.view(OPMGraph g, Accounts accs)

Constructors in org.openprovenance.model with parameters of type OPMGraph
IndexedOPMGraph(OPMFactory oFactory, OPMGraph graph)

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