Open Provenance Model
OPM Provenance Model (OPM) |
The Open Provenance Model OPM is the result of the Provenance Challenge series that was initiated in May 2006, at the first IPAW workshop. OPM
was originally crafted in a meeting held in Salt Lake City in August 2007. OPM v1.00 was released to the community in December 2007. The first OPM workshop in June 2008 involved some twenty participants discussing issues related this specification, and led to a revised specification, referred to as OPM v1.01.
From the outset, the original authors’ intent has been to define a data model that is open from an inter-operability viewpoint but also with respect to the community of its contributors, reviewers and users. To ensure that these principles are adhered to, an "open source like" governance model or OPM was adopted in June 2009, which led to the development of OPM v1.1, the most recent version of the model, which went under a public revision process.
This web site provides key pointers to documents, programs and discussions related to the Open Provenance Model. It complements the OPM wiki which can be found