Uses of Class

Packages that use Role
org.openprovenance.model Open Provenance Model classes and associated factories and (de)serialisation methods. 

Uses of Role in org.openprovenance.elmo

Subclasses of Role in org.openprovenance.elmo
 class RdfRole

Methods in org.openprovenance.elmo that return Role
 Role RdfObjectFactory.createRole()

Methods in org.openprovenance.elmo with parameters of type Role
 void RdfWasControlledBy.setFields(AgentRef cause, ProcessRef effect, Role role)
 void RdfUsed.setFields(ArtifactRef cause, ProcessRef effect, Role role)
 void RdfWasGeneratedBy.setFields(ProcessRef cause, ArtifactRef effect, Role role)
 void RdfWasGeneratedBy.setRole(Role value)
 void RdfWasControlledBy.setRole(Role value)
 void RdfUsed.setRole(Role value)

Uses of Role in org.openprovenance.model

Fields in org.openprovenance.model declared as Role
protected  Role WasGeneratedBy.role
protected  Role WasControlledBy.role
protected  Role Used.role

Methods in org.openprovenance.model that return Role
 Role ObjectFactory.createRole()
          Create an instance of Role
 Role WasGeneratedBy.getRole()
          Gets the value of the role property.
 Role WasControlledBy.getRole()
          Gets the value of the role property.
 Role Used.getRole()
          Gets the value of the role property.
 Role OPMFactory.getRole(Edge e)
 Role OPMFactory.newRole(Role role)
 Role OPMFactory.newRole(String value)
 Role OPMFactory.newRole(String id, String value)

Methods in org.openprovenance.model with parameters of type Role
 Annotation OPMFactory.newAnnotation(String id, Role role, String property, Object value, Collection<Account> accs)
 Role OPMFactory.newRole(Role role)
 RoleRef OPMFactory.newRoleRef(Role p)
 Used OPMFactory.newUsed(Process p, Role role, Artifact a, Collection<Account> accounts)
 Used OPMFactory.newUsed(String id, ProcessRef pid, Role role, ArtifactRef aid, Collection<AccountRef> accounts)
 Used OPMFactory.newUsed(String id, Process p, Role role, Artifact a, Collection<Account> accounts)
 Used OPMFactory.newUsed(String id, Process p, Role role, Artifact a, String type, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasControlledBy OPMFactory.newWasControlledBy(ProcessRef pid, Role role, AgentRef agid, Collection<AccountRef> accounts)
 WasControlledBy OPMFactory.newWasControlledBy(Process p, Role role, Agent ag, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasControlledBy OPMFactory.newWasControlledBy(String id, ProcessRef pid, Role role, AgentRef agid, Collection<AccountRef> accounts)
 WasControlledBy OPMFactory.newWasControlledBy(String id, Process p, Role role, Agent ag, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasControlledBy OPMFactory.newWasControlledBy(String id, Process p, Role role, Agent ag, String type, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasGeneratedBy OPMFactory.newWasGeneratedBy(Artifact a, Role role, Process p, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasGeneratedBy OPMFactory.newWasGeneratedBy(String id, ArtifactRef aid, Role role, ProcessRef pid, Collection<AccountRef> accounts)
 WasGeneratedBy OPMFactory.newWasGeneratedBy(String id, Artifact a, Role role, Process p, Collection<Account> accounts)
 WasGeneratedBy OPMFactory.newWasGeneratedBy(String id, Artifact a, Role role, Process p, String type, Collection<Account> accounts)
 void WasGeneratedBy.setRole(Role value)
          Sets the value of the role property.
 void WasControlledBy.setRole(Role value)
          Sets the value of the role property.
 void Used.setRole(Role value)
          Sets the value of the role property.

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