Second Provenance Challenge Template
Participating Team
- Short team name:
- Participant names:
- Project URL:
- Reference to first challenge results (if participated):
Differences from First Challenge
Note here any changes in your provenance representation, workflow enactment or system since the first challenge. Alternatively, if you did not participate in the first challenge, please provide the same details as were required for those who did (particularly workflow representation and provenance representation).
Provenance Data for Workflow Parts
Give links here to your provenance data files for the workflow parts of the challenge: three parts for the original workflow and three parts for the modified workflow (as per provenance query 7). The data files could be attached to the results page.
Model Integration Results
State here which combinations of teams' models you have managed to perform the provenance query over
Translation Details
Describe details regarding how data models were translated (or otherwise used to answer the query following the team's approach), any data which was absent from a downloaded model, and whether this affected the possibility of translation or successful provenance query, and any data which was excluded in translation from a downloaded model because it was extraneous
Describe your proposed benchmark queries, how the comparable quantities are determined, and the results of applying the benchmark to your own system
Further Comments
Provide here further comments.
Provide here your conclusions on the challenge, and issues that you like to see discussed at a face to face meeting.
SimonMiles - 26 Oct 2006
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