Provide here a description of how you have encoded the Challenge workflow.
Upload a representation of the information you captured when executing the workflow. Explain the structure (provide pointers to documents describing your schemas etc.)
For each query, if your system can support your query, provide a description of how you implement the query, what result is returned; otherwise, explain whether the query is in the remit of your system.
Also, make sure you complete the ProvenanceQueriesMatrix.
Suggest variants of the workflow that can exhibit capabilities that your system support.
Suggest significant queries that your system can support and are not in the proposed list of queries, and how you have implemented/would implement them. These queries may be with regards to a variant of the workflow suggested above.
According to your provenance approach, you may be able to provide a categorisation of queries. Can you elaborate on the categorisation and its rationale.
If your system can be accessed live (through portal, web page, web service, or other), provide relevant information here.
Provide here further comments.
Provide here your conclusions on the challenge, and issues that you like to see discussed at a face to face meeting.